Let’s vaccinate Sweden against stress!
Fackförbundet ST
Agency: Ruth
Today stress is the most common cause of sick leave. Despite that not many take their work stress seriously until they have already burned out. The trade union ST is one of the few organisations that actually work preventively against stress. They focus on the long-term, educate ombudsmen at workplaces and have a support line for stressed employees. One could say that ST's work is a kind of vaccine against one of our most serious diseases in the society today. Therefore, the concept "Let’s vaccinate Sweden against stress!" was formed.
By talking about stress as a serious infection, which it actually is, we could use the analogy to the severity that physical illnesses already have. In order to be serious – but also stand out in the world of trade unions – we launched a playful and "poppy" campaign that took place primarily in social media.
By talking about stress as a serious infection, which it actually is, we could use the analogy to the severity that physical illnesses already have. In order to be serious – but also stand out in the world of trade unions – we launched a playful and "poppy" campaign that took place primarily in social media.