The defence lens
Agency: Familjen, DVA
By creating The Defence Lens, the Swedish Defence Conscription and Assessment Agency (Rekryteringsmyndigheten) became the first government agency in Europe to communicate via a Snapchat lens. It disrupted the perception of government agencies’ communications, and it was the first time in history that hundreds of thousands of young people had the opportunity to sample the military assessment process with Augmented Reality.
The Defence Lens enables users to experience the assessment process in AR: They meet the psychologist, the doctor and the enrollment administrator, participate in the physical testing, and see all the other steps of the process. After completing all the steps, in-app rewards were granted, which contributed to increased readiness to go through the mustering process IRL.
The Swedish Defence Conscription and Assessment Agency became the first government agency in Europe to distribute information via an AR lens in Snapchat.
The Defence Lens enables users to experience the assessment process in AR: They meet the psychologist, the doctor and the enrollment administrator, participate in the physical testing, and see all the other steps of the process. After completing all the steps, in-app rewards were granted, which contributed to increased readiness to go through the mustering process IRL.
The Swedish Defence Conscription and Assessment Agency became the first government agency in Europe to distribute information via an AR lens in Snapchat.